Sunday, January 5, 2014


First post of the year! Have you guys brainstormed on your News Year resolutions yet? Can I get a show of hands who already said "screw it," and went back on eating pizza and hot cheetos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner please? I don't think I've made any resolutions yet besides keep getting better at what I'm doing now and stop being a lazy ass. Actually, there is one thing I would like to improve about myself. I'm tired of being a hermit and want to become a social (but still a bit awkward) butterfly. So far I think I'm doing pretty swell.

Hat: Hellz Bellz, Necklace: Perilin, Jacket: Unif, Dress: Motel Rocks, Boots: Armkel

I love, luv, <3 my cute ass Motel Rocks dress I bought from blogger babe Courtney of  The Style Playlist! The faux leather detailing is perf, the ombre gives my look close to an angelic look (well until it became conquered by pure darkness), and I'm super short, so for the length not the reach the floor gives it +200 cool points! Talk about the perfect dress, huh? I truly love it so thank you so much Courtney! <333

Also, looking for someone who is willing to do artwork for my banner! New year means new banner! Email at AlexisSplash[at]! Willing to pay <3

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  1. I totally feel you! I've already said eff it to the new year resolutions. Pizza forever!! Haha.
    Fantastic outfit! Love the jacket.

    Neon Fox

  2. Love your dress, it's amazing! :D

  3. Omg you bought that UNIF jacket from Courtney? She's awesome, and that jacket looks awesome on you. It compliments the dress really well, you rocked it girlie xx


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