Monday, July 14, 2014


Today was my day off from everything-- my day job, outfit posting, taking photos for other people. It was basically a "me" day. I spent my time playing Legend of Dragoons (great RPG!) and scrolling through the world of tumblr. I've found some photos that inspired me and I hope it inspires you as well! ♡

I really like the all white look. I want to start taking more photos at different location to make the outfit pop out more! Fashion tip: Pair a sporty look with a blazer to create a sporty-chic look.

The over-the-top mesh top! I can see this seriously becoming a trend this fall. I would pair it with a duster, light wash high waisted jeans and some Jeffrey Campbell black booties.

The contrast of colors makes this photo look so great. It makes me want to experiment with bright eye shadows with minimum make-up.

This is just a photo of Los Angeles, where dreams come true if you hustle and be patient enough. One day I want to buy a condo in K-Town so I can be surrounded with great food, closer to my friends, and live down the street from Fashion District. 

Besides these people being over the top beautiful, I love the outfit to the left. The monochrome look with the fishnet top works so well together. 

This look actually inspired my outfit from my WOMP. WOMP. WOMP. post. The only difference is that I paired the look with Nikes instead of my favorite booties.

I'm in love with this photo! I'm currently growing out my eyebrows so I can have my natural bushy eyebrow look. I honestly don't know that much about makeup, but I'm doing my research lol.

I love the deep cut of the one piece. I think showing your back is pretty sexy in a classy way. Paired with your favorite jeans and heels, you can style it in so many ways!

Distressed tees. I want them. I need them. 
via OtherUK

I hope you enjoyed this little inspiration post. Which photos were your favs? You can find more inspiration photos on my tumblr HERE. Let me know if you have a Tumblr as well so I can follow you! 


  1. Just googled Legend of Dragoons, sounds rad! :D Gonna try it as soon as I figure out where my dusty old PlayStation is :D

    1. It's such a good game! You can always download a PS1 emulator on your laptop lol♡

  2. These photos are all so gorgeous!!

  3. love your outfit inspiration it inspires me! You play RPGs?? Aha which ones! :)

    1. Thanks! I'm kind of old school when it comes to RPGs but I play the Final Fantasy franchises, Chrono Cross, Animal Crossing, and Parasite Eve :D

  4. awesome inspiration! especially the 4th from the bottom!


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