Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Hey everyone, hope you're doing well. As usual, it's been awhile since I posted up a blog post (I'm so sorry!). I'm going through the worst artist block ever at the moment and it sucks. I just feel when I have so much time on my hands and I have so less to do, it bothers me. That usually happens when I'm not in school and/or working. It's something that I'm currently battling with and I hope it will pass once I start school again. In the mean time, I've been doing little baby-steps to help improve my state and make me a better person. This usually starts by creating 3 commitments at the beginning of the day and some how fulfilling them. My three commitments of the day was eating a healthy breakfast, taking pictures for the blog, and not staying up pass 11pm today, lol. Is this something that you might be interested in doing?

Today I was hanging out with some friends and looking for a good location to shoot at, and what-do-you-know. We ended up at our old high school! It was nice going down memory lane again lol. Also, you're going to see that there are a few pictures with this random guy in there, yeah, please do not be afraid. That is just my good friend photobombing me lol.

Shorts: Thrifted
Tawny Boots: eBay (similar)

Today's look was inspired by my 16yr old self lol. I was all about the giant vintage movement (and still am) and wanted to bring it back, but without the thrift items. Forever 21 is having a BOGO free on all the sale items (STILL HAPPENING) and I couldn't look away from this knitted cardigan! I mean you can't have a vintage winter look without something knitted lol. From there, I layered it up a Wet Seal basic tee, Crystal & Casings Turquoise Howlite Double Chain necklace, my thrifted shorts with sheer distressed leggings, cute designed socks, and my tawny boots. I'm honestly not wearing much, but can you believe that I wasn't freezing my butt off?! Right?! lol. 


  1. omg I feel it dude I LEGIT feel that. I don't know like I'm the type that if I don't have something to do constantly I just don't want to do anything anything! :( Ugh I seriously get ya! I love your outfit it reminds me of how I dressed back in high school too! ahah Fashion blogger problems is we look really warm but in reality we're freezing our asses off lol

    1. It's so harsh, right? Like it kills me when I have so much time on my hands ): True blogger probz for real lol, thanks! ♡

  2. Nice photos:)) The jewelry is stunning.

  3. may you have to do some photoshoot with your photobombing friend. he's so funny! i love your necklace btw :)

    1. Right? I might just bring him along every time I go out to shoot lol. Thank you! ♡

  4. Necklaces are so pretty! And I love your hair xx

    P.s. Haha @ the photo bomber!

  5. What a babe. Loving that cardigan & you guys are cute! xx

  6. Hahahah, your friend is quite the funny guy :D
    I know what you mean. When you're transitioning from a busy life to a rather mellow life :D When I graduated from University it was like that. At first the whole free time felt uneasy, but then I started filling it with things I loved and made me happy and in turn I became happy and more fulfilled. So my advice is, do something stimulating, something that makes you go "yay", maybe play some video games!!! O_O
    Adore this outfit, especially your magnificent hair, gorgeous cardigan and booties! ^^

  7. I like your outfit very much, that cardigan looks very nice and the shoes with those socks <3
    Your friend is so funny!


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